5 Signs of Accepted during a Job Interview

Minggu, Desember 14, 2014

There are several stages in the selection process of recruitment. The job interview is the most decisive phase, but also an element of highest subjectivity. Success or failure depends on the mood of a job interview officer.

Although important, the results of the job interview is not the only thing that determines the acceptable work. Although during a job interview you show signs of success, not yet certain you are received. But usually test job interview, especially with the leadership ranks of the company, carried out after the other stages of the test passed.

When you prepare for a job interview with either the maximum extent possible, in fact you also have prepared for the other tests. To succeed in a job interview, you have to prepare yourself by  a lot of practice to get healthy body and calm the mind, then you also will be easier to face medical tests and psycho test.

Here are the signs of success in a job interview and was hired:

1. The long interviews process.
If the interviewer is not attracted to you on first impression may not be willing to linger continue the interview process. Your appearance impresses them, so they  want to make sure you deserve to get a chance.

2. Questions impressed 'chase'.
Job interview process is different with thesis examination. Questions thesis examiners who 'chase' because doubt you have mastered the material. While the questions of the interviewer who 'chase' because attracted to you and want to explore as much as possible the positive points of yourself for a report of recommendations to the board of management. If the interviewer is not attracted to you, or your answers, they will not bother to add a question, let alone interview participants still long queues.

3. The question of salary.
When you got a question about desired salary be grateful, because ninety percent chance of interviewer officer attracted to you. Unless required to ask the desired salary is a company procedure, they would not ask it if it is not keen to accept you as employees.

4. The question of readiness to work.
Company made the selection process because it requires the employee as soon as possible. But they also do not rashly accept employees, especially large companies that have many interested candidates of his offer. In addition to test your seriousness to join in their company, the question of when you can begin to actively work is a sign that officials are interested in and choose you for further consideration.

5. Scheduling the next process.
If success, job interview officer will inform you about the next process to be prepared. At least they will ask you to give a number that can be contacted at any time for an invitation next stage of the recruitment process.

Five things above only signs, not certainty. You have to pray a lot and prepare as best as possible for the next stage, also follow the recruitment process in another company as another endeavor.

picture from http://www.all-free-download.com

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